Returning Home!

Together again!

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggitty Jig!

I have been home for a week.

You see, every six months I move from one side of the country to the other.

From October to April I live in Alberta, Canada and from April to October I live in New Brunswick.


If we go deep, it’s likely because I have never been one to do things in the “normal” way. I love the words Adventure, travel, play, fun, create… the doing words. I would hate to get to the end of my life and feel like I had missed out on something fun or that I had let someone else’s idea dictate how I should have lived.

But, the lighter reason is because my dear husband and I own and run a campground just outside of Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada. But our kiddos and Colin’s “real” job is still in Alberta. So we commute back and forth to make it all work!

Colin came home back in August to get the boys ready for school and to start his new semester.

And I have just finished closing up the campground for another year. Turned off all the water, put away the picnic tables and chairs. Said goodbye to the treehouses, cottages and yurt. Jump into my van and drove 5 days across Canada to my dear family!

I am Exhausted!

But I have learned a few tricks to help me reconnect and recharge so that I can be present and do ALL the THINGS that need my attention!


I use the 5 days of travel to reconnect with myself. I listen to music, podcasts and books that are uplifting, fun and bring me joy.

I stop whenever I want to! Crazy but true!

If I see a cute little tourist shop I pull over and take a look. I also have my tried and true spots that I love to stop to grab a bite, take in the view, stretch my legs or shop for some sweet treasures!

The point is I use the trip to decompress, breath deeply and smile!


I try to make the first few days all about reconnecting with my family and getting some rest. I unplug, I share good food, sleep in, take naps, listen to all the stories and catch up with my hubby and kiddos.

Yes, we talk while I’m away, but it isn’t the same as sitting right beside someone looking into their eyes and really spending time together. I love it!

The appointments and to-do’s are there- But they can wait -I don’t have any expectations except reconnecting with those I love most and resting my spirit and body!


I add a whole lot of SNAS to my life! Spirit, Nature, Art/creativity & Stories!

I might make some cupcakes with Jacob -creativity; listen to Mackenzie’s weekend adventures -stories; get outside for a walk -nature; go to church or attend the temple -spirit; or journal about my own adventures -more stories.

Making sure that I include these 4 elements into my life helps me reconnect with my family & friends, my Environment and myself.

Then I am ready for the meetings & appointments, unpacking, laundry, organizing, more meetings, planning for the next camping seasons, more appointments…

You get the idea!

Life is good! Life is to be lived!


The Power of Comfort